If you take your time to watch the videos below I think you will consider what kind of textiles you purchase. Cotton is not as fluffy as you may think.
The cotton industry in Uzbekistan, the second largest exporter in the world, is responsible for enormous ecological and human suffering. During harvest season the schools are shut down and the children are sent to the fields to collect the cotton under slave like conditions. Due to irresponsible water usage of the cotton industry the Aral sea has almost disappeared, only 15% remaining.
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Here is a video about an Indian cotton farmer caught in the vicious pesticide spiral. The worms he combats with the pesticides grow resistant and the soil gets worse year by year, which means that he needs to increase amounts of pesticides he uses and eventually he has to upgrade to even more potent and toxic products. The pesticides are expensive and many farmers get indebted to the pesticide providers. Some farmers end up committing suicide by drinking the substances they once used in the fields.
So what can you do?
Buy organic and fair trade products. Reduce your consumption, you don't have to be a slave to fashion. Your wardrobe is probably overfull with clothes that you never wear, consider donating the stagnated bottom layers to charity foundations or second hand stores so they can be reused or redesigned.
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