Peak food
Wailing trucks
Wailing trucks
Nonterrestial weather
Nonterrestial weather
What the fux ehux?
Gore on 60 minutes
Gore on 60 minutes
Plastic packaging
Plastic packaging
Living a year without oil
Living a year without oil
Changing habits
Losing sense of proper judgment
Losing sense of proper judgment
A sick world
A sick world
Silent ocean
A convergence of crisis: The 11th Hour:
A convergence of crisis: The 11th Hour:
We Feed the World
We Feed the World
The Planet
The Planet
Policy Dialogue
Policy Dialogue
Marten Scheffer: Critical transitions
Marten Scheffer: Critical transitions
Will Steffen: The earth as a social-ecological system?
Will Steffen: The earth as a social-ecological system?
Living in the age of stupid
The Age of Stupid
Big Eyed Beans From Venus
Paul Ehrlich
Paul Ehrlich
Environmental wisdom
Zero-emission warfare
Zero-emission warfare
Ecological accounting
Ecological accounting
A dysfunctional relationship
Green ad from Uppsala air
Alternative aviation
American Airlines canceled 1000 + 460 flights
New slideshow from Al Gore at TED talks
How airlines tackle soaring fuel costs
350 ppm
350 ppm
Solar balloons
Solar balloons
What on earth shall we have for dinner tonight?
What on earth shall we have for dinner tonight?
Disturbing ads from SAS
Third airline shutdown in a week
Third airline shutdown in a week
Klimax hit the streets of Uppsala
Collective stupidity
I achieve better under stress
I achieve better under stress
Six steps to hell
New paper from James Hansen
New paper from James Hansen
More good aviation news
More good aviation news
Agassi's electric car grid spreads to Denmark
Magnified solar power
Shut'em off
Shut'em off
Truck outside my window
Suffering from disruption
We can solve it!
We can solve it!
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About Me
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Bike to Work!
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