Pass the Climate Security Act Now
1700 leading US scientists and economists call for swift and deep cuts
1700 leading US scientists and economists call for swift and deep cuts
Water problems in Barcelona
Water problems in Barcelona
It's interesting to be human...or perhaps a cat
Grabbing the shitty end of the stick
Personal carbon trading rocks
Exploring personal carbon trading
Exploring personal carbon trading
Peak oil in the main stream media
Crude @ 133 dollars a barrel
Crude @ 133 dollars a barrel
Street dance!
Climate impact of food
Eating oil
New climate movement born
Van Jones
Van Jones
Green collar jobs
Washing rugs
Washing rugs
Uproot the fossil fuel addiction!
Peak oil and climate change explained to teenagers
Peak water
Water footprint
Sliding out of control
Sliding out of control
A declining economy in a finite world
A declining economy in a finite world
Victims of climate change?
China from the inside
Environmentally responsible vehicles
Environmentally responsible vehicles
Blimpy wind power
Bullshit water
Naked bicycle activist
Naked bicycle activist
Oil hits $120
Oil hits $120
Food for fuel
Mayor Johnson
Fish floating in the air
A tottering society
A tottering society
The SUV era is finally over
The SUV era is finally over
Peter Barnes-criteria for success
Peter Barnes-criteria for success
Data centers and power use
Data centers and power use
Blue gold
Blue gold
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About Me
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Bike to Work!
Bike to Work!
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